Mastercam Announces New HEIDENHAIN TNC 5X Mill Post Processor
June 28, 2019 (Tolland, Conn.) – CNC Software, Inc., the developers of Mastercam CAD/CAM software, are pleased to announce the release of a new post-processor. The HEIDENHAIN TNC 5X MILL was developed by our corporate post department working with the technical expertise of HEIDENHAIN CNC engineers. Our applications team, beta testers, and Resellers were also part of the collaborative effort to create and test the post.

This 5-axis post processor for Mastercam Mill supports the HEIDENHAIN TNC530, TNC620, and TNC640 controls. Its development became a priority due to worldwide demand. All Mastercam users that have a HEIDENHAIN control will benefit from this newly developed post processor.
The HEIDENHAIN TNC 5X Mill post processor includes support for the following:
- TNC530, TNC620, and TNC640 controls
- PLANE commands (STAY, TURN, MOVE)
- TCPM (TNC640)
- M128 (TNC530)
- Multiaxis machining:
- Rotary output
- Vector output
- Drilling
- CYCLE 200 (Drilling)
- CYCLE 205 (Universal Pecking)
- CYCLE 203 (Universal Drilling)
- CYCLE 207 (Rigid Tapping)
- CYCLE 202 (Boring)
- CYCLE 201 (Reaming)
- Cutter comp (2D / 3D)
- Subprograms
- Safe Retract Routine
- Coolant (X-style)
- Canned text
- Manual entry
- HSM support (CYCL DEF 32)
- Axis clamping
- Work offsets (CYCL DEF 247 DATUM SETTING)
- Transform operations (No subroutine output)
- Rotary axis limit detection
“The development of this new 5-axis post for Mastercam 2020 and the markets that need the HEIDENHAIN TNC530, TNC620, and TNC640 controls demonstrates our commitment in fostering our relationships with HEIDENHAIN, which brings the highest productivity gains to machine tools that will use our Mastercam Mill product line. I’m excited to see the market embrace this new post processor that our post engineers have developed with great expectations,” says Post Department Manager Pedro Sanchez, Jr., of CNC Software, Inc.
It is cooperation like this that provides Mastercam users the opportunity to truly complement their CAM investment and give their shops the best chance at a more efficient manufacturing solution, from design to part.
Gisbert Ledvon, TNC Business Development Manager, HEIDENHAIN CORPORATION in Schaumburg, Illinois, comments, “We are seeing a higher demand on high precision 5-Axis machine tools here in the North American market equipped with the newest Mill-Turn HEIDENHAIN 640 TNC motion control systems. The collaboration with Mastercam on their post processor optimization was critical, ensuring that our mutual customers are now able to take full advantage of all the new 5-Axis TNC features when programming with Mastercam.
This allows them to stay competitive in the local and global marketplace. Our team at HEIDENHAIN will continue to work closely with Mastercam to implement new features into their post processor for the TNC640.”
For more information on Mastercam’s post-processors, please visit For more information about HEIDENHAIN controllers, please visit