On July 15, 2016, CNC Software, Inc., producers of Mastercam CAD/CAM software announced a 3-axis milling post-processor that will unleash the highest productivity on SINUMERIK-controlled machine tools. The new post processor was developed utilizing the technical expertise of Siemens CNC engineers.
This post processor includes support for SINUMERIK 840D sl and 828D CNCs from Siemens and features:
- CYCLE 832 support for high-speed settings• Drill cycles (CYCLES 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 840)
- WORKPIECE output for graphical simulation
- Tool call as tool name or tool number
- TOFFR option
- Siemens 3-axis application guide
“We’ve been collaborating with Siemens in this development for the release of Mastercam 2017, and are proud to announce the 3-axis milling post processor as the initial launch of strengthening our relationship for future posts that will benefit mutual customers,” says Pedro Sanchez, Jr., Post Department Manager of CNC Software, Inc.
It is cooperation like this that provides Mastercam users the opportunity to truly complement their CAM investment and give their shops the best chance at a more efficient manufacturing solution, from design to part.
Chris Pollack, east coast dealer and importer regional account manager, commented, “By educating Mastercam on the key advanced functions of the SINUMERIK control, Mastercam has been able to create a post-processor that provides the most value to our mutual customers.”
Pollack continued, “Siemens looks forward to continuing to help Mastercam create more advanced post-processors in the future.”