Mastercam is proud to announce its 25th year of participation in SkillsUSA!
Mastercam is the #1 CAM software taught in education, and has a sincere and vested interest in supporting SkillsUSA’s vision and mission. The organization empowers members to become world-class workers, leaders, and responsible citizens. SkillsUSA improves the quality of our nation’s future skilled workforce by developing a comprehensive framework of skills that include personal, workplace, and technical skills grounded in academics.
We are honored to be a CNC sponsor of SkillsUSA and offer support to students competing in the SkillsUSA CNC contests with free Mastercam software and technical support.
Several members of the Mastercam team will be attending the SkillsUSA National Leadership & Skills Conference next week from June 19-June 23 in Atlanta, Georgia.
We look forward to speaking with everyone participating in NLSC about the latest advancements in Mastercam and showing our support for the educational community. We wish the best of luck to all the students competing!
Learn More About SkillsUSA
The SkillsUSA National Leadership Conference and Championships is the nation’s largest workforce development event for middle-school, high-school, and college/postsecondary students enrolled in public career and technical education programs. SkillsUSA is a national membership organization. More than 372,000 students and advisors join SkillsUSA each year. The organization has served more than 14 million annual members since its founding in 1965. More than 600 business, industry, and labor organizations actively support SkillsUSA at the national level through financial aid, in-kind contributions, and volunteering in SkillsUSA activities.
To find out more about what’s happening in your state and cities, and at the national level, visit www.skillsusa.org.