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lathe icon 车削

Mastercam 车削模块提供的工具,让您可以根据需要车削零配件。 Mastercam 车削编程软件提供了简单的粗加工、开槽、螺纹加工、零件加工、镗孔、钻孔和精加工流程,以提高生产效率。


Mastercam Lathe

Mastercam 车削还提供了一套 C 轴编程工具,与 Mastercam 铣削模块配合使用,可以增强选项,例如端面外形钻孔,和径向外形钻孔。

  • 适用于 CAM 的 CAD 解决方案 提供了一套功能强大工具,支持创建和操作线框、曲面、STL 和实体数据,包括 MBD 信息(使用选定转换器软件)。
  • 先进的刀路策略成就更高的加工效率和精度。

相对其他 CAM 软件,越来越多编程人员选择使用 Mastercam。
从 CAD 的初始设计到最终的零件加工,Mastercam 是为提高生产效率而设计的全套解决方案。

  • 完整的 3D CAD 模具设计。
  • 所有对话框都提供上下文有关帮助。
  • 功能强大的 多轴 刀具运动。
  • 用于车床的车铣复合
  • 高效快速的车削功能,让您只需几个简单步骤即可完成基础零件的编程。
  • 简单高效的粗加工、精加工、螺纹加工、沟槽、镗孔、钻孔和切断。
  • 基于毛坯智能计算刀路。
  • 强大的 3D 实体和曲面加工。
  • 完整的刀具库和自定义刀具支持。
man wearing a headset typing on a desktop computer









全面支持 C/Y 轴功能的车铣复合机型。



强大的 CAD 功能

虚拟导入 Mastercam 的任何 CAD 文件,帮助 CAM 编程人员快速建模和刀具准备,以便将零件装卸到机床上。

Accelerated Finishing® 超弦精加工技术


3D 刀具支持

支持 Mastercam 车削、铣削和车铣复合模块



Dynamic Motion™ 动态加工技术



试用全球先进的 CAM 软件。 免费下载 Mastercam Demo/Home 自学版学习软件, 学习 Mastercam,并熟悉从 CAD/CAM 编程到实际加工零件的每个步骤!


案例研究 View all

3D-Machine, Inc.

New CAM toolpath cuts hoist drum production time by 83 percent Before using Mastercam Lathe Custom Thread toolpath, producing a hoist drum—including machine set up, tooling, and machining—took at least 40 hours. With the CAM toolpath, 3D-Machine, Inc. produced the part in just seven hours. Quick Facts Product Used: Mill, Mill-Turn, Lathe, Multiaxis Industry: Tool…

Achates Power

Complex Machining Replaces Casting for Two-Piece Components in Piston Prototypes Achates Power in San Diego, California, uses Mastercam to create prototype parts for an eco-friendly, gasoline compression ignition, opposed-piston engine. The collaborative research was the work of Achates, Argonne National Laboratory, and Delphi Technologies. It was produced using funding from the U.S. Department of Energy’s…

Mastercam 社区

当您选用世界上广泛应用的 CAM 时,您获得的好处远远超过驱动我们软件的技术。 由 Mastercam 用户、专家、教育工作者和爱好者组成的全球社区可以帮助您从投资中获得高回报。


CNC lathe programming software is used to create toolpaths through G-code to operate computer numerical control (CNC) lathe machines. This allows for machine automation, where the machine cuts a part to the specifications of the input code.


Some lathes are equipped with the ability to do limited milling, and some shops modify their lathes to do light milling. In general, parts that combine both techniques are better suited for separate action on dedicated lathes and mills, or in one setup on a mill-turn machine.


A CNC lathe is generally used to cut roughly cylindrical parts where the outline of the shape is symmetrical when rotated 360 degrees around a central axis. Some lathes allow additional non-symmetrical cutting with drills, endmills, and other milling tools.


Mastercam produces CAD/CAM software with industry leading functionality for CNC lathes. The way to get this software is through your local Mastercam Channel Partner. Your local Channel Partner will be able to help you choose the best CAD/CAM package for your specific needs. In addition, they will provide ongoing sales, service, and technical support to help you optimize the productivity of both your CNC lathes and shop at large.


CNC lathe programming software eliminates manual errors that can occur when a part is programmed by hand. It eliminates the need to perform complex mathematical equations for cutter control and allows quick adaptation to new parts.
